1. SPOKEN ENGLISH ENVIRONMENT: As English is the medium of instruction, a special emphasis is given to the environment of spoken English which the students must follow in the school campus.
2. SCHOOL RULES: Punctuality, regularity and cleanliness is expected of every student. The students will observe the rules regulations & instructions of the school.
3. DAILY DIARY AND HOMEWORK: The student’s daily diary is a very important hand book of student’s individual assessment and hand book of first hand information to the parents regarding the daily happenings of the school, Daily home work, assessment of routine activities behaviour and the performance of day today activities, information about the tests and exams time table, the general holidays food behaviour or child, negligence of homework or showing any kind of indiscipline in the school campus., leave notes from parents to teachers and important information from the teachers to the parents are all communicated through the students diary.
4. RESPECT AND COURTEST: Decency and courtesy being the first and foremost part of education, every student will show genuine love and respect for the National Anthem, Prayers, Teachers, Elders Visitors, School fellow and people in general. In other words follow the policy of “Respect other to get Respect”.
5. SCHOOL PROPERTY: Every student will respect and maintain the school property, such as furniture, buildings, plants etc., by keeping the surrounding clean. The students will have to pay for losing, damaging and defacing any of the materials, fixtures or equipments provided in the school.
6. SCHOOL UNIFORM: Every student has to iron the school uniform and come neatly dressed. Shoes must be well polished.
7. BOYS: Must have a regular hair cut. Styling of hair with gel is not allowed
8. GIRLS: Must wear black clips or black hair band only. Long hair must be folded and tied into two folded plaits with blue and house ribbons only.
9. CHILD’S ITEMS: Every item belonging to the student has to be clearly marked with name, roll number and class.
10. ORNAMENTS AND FANCY ITEMS: Students must not wear any gold ornaments or jewels. Students must not come with colourful bangles, colourful clips, fancy watches or any other fancy items.
11. UNWANTED THINGS: In the best interest of their serious studies, pupils are not allowed to bring any unwanted things such as mobile phones, videos games C.D.s, cameras, play cards or any other similar gadgets. It will be considered as serious violation of the school rule. Students will not bring any money to the school, unless a written note is clearly asked by the school authorities for a particular purpose.
12. CLEANLINESS: Students must trim their nails regularly. Students MUST take bath in the morning & wash the face, eyes & mouth properly to remain fresh & active all through the day.
13. MORNING BREAKFAST: Taking rich nutritious breakfast in the morning also keeps you active and healthy the whole day. You have to also bring a handkerchief every day.
14. SCHOOL TRANSPORT: For the smooth running of the school and to maintain punctuality the student will have to wait on the left side of the school bus five minutes before the appointed time at your bus stop.